🔍Solana Monitors

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Our inhouse Discord monitor cater to all your trading needs. We've streamlined the entire research process into a single webhook. Ligma provides the only discord monitor with real-time webhooks, we ensure a smoother, more automated user experience for trading

Monitor Overview

📅 Trading Opened:

Confirm when trading has been opened or will be enabled.

💎 Initial Liquidity:

Displays the SOL initially injected into the liquidity pool, along with the % of total token supply.

📊 Market Cap:

View the current market cap of the token, as well as the initial market cap detected by the monitors.

📤 Buys / Sells:

Total buy and sell transactions.

📈 Volume:

Total Trading Volume.

💰 Liquidity:

Displays the current SOL liquidity in the pool.

📝 Deployer:

Our monitors will detect if the deployer wallet has previously launched tokens and whether or not they have sent tokens to stealth wallets.

🔎 Audit:

  • Mint Authority Disabled: Contract can not mint additional tokens to the supply.

  • LP Burned: % of LP tokens burned.

  • Top 10 Holders: Total Token Supply % owned by the top 10 holders.

  • Has Socials/Website: Detects token's Twitter, Telegram, and Website.

  • Recycled Account: Checks for quality of Twitter account.

Last updated